Structured Silver Storage: Plastic vs. Glass Bottles
Do you store colloidal or structured silver? There are two basic types of silver particles sold as colloidal silver, ionic and nanoparticle silver. Vital Silver Structured Silver is a structured silver supplement consisting of nano-particles and not ionic particles. Unlike ionic silver products, our silver supplement can be transported and stored in PET plastic instead of glass, and in fact, is preferred. Our products are stored in PET, BPA free containers, a polyester substance, stands for polyethylene terephthalate. Water, soft drinks, and fruit juice are frequently packaged in recyclable PET. In the modern world, PET plastic bottles are the most widely used type of beverage container. Products of the highest caliber can be stored without a glass bottle.
The majority of items marketed as colloidal silver are actually ionic silver solutions that need to be kept in glass. Plastic storage containers and ionic silver may interact, resulting in the solution's eventual degradation. Generally, inherently less stable ionic silver requires a glass bottle.